What makes a rhinoplasty specialist?

Some of my Houston rhinoplasty patients seek multiple opinions of rhinoplasty surgeons in order to find who they feel may be the best rhinoplasty specialist for them.  A rhinoplasty specialist is a facial plastic surgeon or plastic surgeon who focuses much of their practice on rhinoplasty and revision rhinoplasty.  This surgeon normally should be performing anywhere from 5 to 10 rhinoplasties…

Can a facelift change your earlobes?

Many of my Houston facelift patients will ask about the incision location and its effect on the earlobe after surgery.  The earlobe is detached from the facial skin during facelift surgery and then reattached after the SMAS is suspended and excess skin is removed.  The earlobe then needs to be reattached appropriately.  If the earlobe is not attached similary to its presurgical position, this…

How long is recovery after rhinoplasty?

Many of my Houston rhinoplasty patients are concerned about the length of recovery after rhinoplasty and how much time off they will need from work and exercise.  Typically, Dr. Funk recommends 8-10 days of recovery time.  After this, you are able to commit to getting back to work and social engagements.  Exercise may be resumed with rhinoplasty after 2 weeks.  



Can a facelift improve my smile lines?

Many of my Houston facelift patients ask about their deep smile lines or melolabial folds and inquire if a facelift will improve this area.  A facelift will typically improve the jowls, neck and marionette lines or melomental folds.  A deep plane facelift will improve the smile lines or melolabial folds by about 20-50%.  Usually, these deep folds are most improved with filler injection which…

Rhinoplasty with Septoplasty

Many of my Houston rhinoplasty patients have breathing issues due to a deviated septum and require septoplasty to correct this and improve the nasal airway.  Septoplasty is commonly performed with rhinoplasty as septal cartilage is need for grafting purposes during rhinoplasty.  It is important to seek a rhinoplasty specialist who is familiar with septoplasty when considering…