Is a deep plane facelift right for me?

Many of my Houston facelift patients come in for consultation unsure about what type of facelift is best for them.  Online information can be confusing with all the terminology surrounding facelifts.  The deep plane facelift describes the plane of dissection (deep to the platysma muscle and SMAS) which allows release of the retaining ligaments allowing for a more impressive…

Revision rhinoplasty for a crooked nose

Many of my Houston revision rhinoplasty patients are concerned about a crooked nose after their previous rhinoplasty.  Crooked noses, even without being a revision, are difficult due to cartilage memory.  That memory and stiffness to the cartilage could be even worse with a revision due to surronding scar tissue.  This makes the cartilage less malleable and…

Nostril symmetry after rhinoplasty

Many of my Houston rhinoplasty patients are concerened about nostril assymetry.  This can occur due to a deviated septum or a twisted crooked nose.  Correcting nostril assymetry can be tricky as this is soft tissue. All the incisoins during rhinoplasty are around the nostrils.  Incisions contract as they heal and this may lead to some minor assymetry in the nostrils…

Lower eyelid surgery for festoons

Many of my Houston lower eyelid surgery patients may have festoons and or malar bags which is redundant skin and edema under the eyes.  This is different than the lower eyelid bags caused by fat.  Festoons and malar bags are more difficult to treat with lower blepharoplasty as they may require an extended lower blepharoplasty elevating the muscle and skin of…