Can upper blepharoplasty be done under local anesthesia?

Upper blepharoplasty can be performed under local anesthesia in the operating room or the office.  Our Houston patients frequently do not want to undergo anesthesia for their procedures.  We do offer performing upper eyelid surgery in the office under local anesthesia or even in the operating room under local anesthesia.  In this case, some patients do desire…

Will a mini facelift treat my neck?

The terminology regarding the types of facelifts is vast and can be confusing to the facelift patient.  A mini facelift usually refers to a type of facelift where the scars are shorter and the dissection more minimal.  Usually, the jowls and jawline are addressed with a mini facelift.  The SMAS in the face is contiguous with the platysma muscle in the neck.  When…

Revision rhinoplasty with thick skin

Many of my revision rhinoplasty patients will ask if they can have revision rhinoplasty despite their thick skin.  Revision rhinoplasty is a difficult surgery due to the scar tissue especially around the tip cartilages.  Thick skinned patients will deposit and produce even more scar tissue.  This makes revision rhinoplasty with thick skin even more difficult.…

Hollow eyes after lower blepharoplasty

Many of my Houston lower blepharoplasty patients who have bags under their eyes may be at risk for a hollowed out appearance to the eyes after blepharoplasty.  This may be due to overresection of fat during lower eyelid surgery.  It is important to remove the correct amount of fat during blepharoplasty.  At Funk Facial Plastic Surgery we have also found that…