Will a mini facelift treat my neck?

The terminology regarding the types of facelifts is vast and can be confusing to the facelift patient.  A mini facelift usually refers to a type of facelift where the scars are shorter and the dissection more minimal.  Usually, the jowls and jawline are addressed with a mini facelift.  The SMAS in the face is contiguous with the platysma muscle in the neck.  When suspending the SMAS for the jowls, this pulls on the platysma muscle as well and will tighten the neck at the same time.  However, if you have significant neck skin laxity, wide platysmal banding, or a large double chin, the neck may need to be addressed separately.  


Dr. Funk is facelift surgeon in Houston but sees patients from Katy and the Woodlands as well.

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