Do I need a Neck Lift or a Facelift?

This is a common question posed by many of my patients interested in facial rejuvenation.

neck lift only address the lax neck skin and banding that can occur from the weak muscle. It will not address much of the jowls, loose cheek skin or mid-face at all. It will minimally improve the jawline. I found a neck lift is an excellent choice for many men under the age of 55. It is also a good option for women under 50. These are not hard-set rules as everyone ages differently depending on genetics and environmental factors.

However, if I notice that during the consultation that when I suspend the neck skin behind the ear with my hand there is significant redundant skin in front of the ear, this patient is probably not a good candidate for a neck lift alone but likely needs a face & neck lift (facelift). A facelift addresses the jawline, neck, and midface.

Dr. Funk is a Houston facial plastic surgeon specializing in procedures such as facelift, neck lift, and facial rejuvenation.

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