A facelift in a male is not as common of a procedure as in females, however, is becoming more popular as baby boomers are at the age where they are noticing significant neck laxity, banding, and a soft jawline.
Most of my male patients have an issue with their neck. They dislike the loose skin, fullness, and “turkey neck” they are noticing. They want that old tight neck and jawline they once had.
A neck lift alone is a good procedure for many men typically under age 60 who do not have much skin laxity. This allows for an improved angle between the chin and neck and defines the jawline more. It does not, however, treat the midface and helps moderately with the jowls.
Many of my male facelift patients are concerned about scarring as they have short hair. The incision is placed in front of the ear in males to avoid bringing hair-bearing skin onto the ear with the lift. Some hair-bearing skin may end up behind the earlobe, but this is easily shaved.
In addition, the vector of pull is a little different in men than in women. The wrong type of lift on the muscle and fascia can lead to a feminized appearance in some men after a facelift.
Dr. Funk is a board-certified facial plastic surgeon specializing in facelift procedures, neck lifts, and facial rejuvenation in Houston, Texas.
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