What is the deep plane facelift?

When it comes to facial plastic surgery, many patients can easily be overwhelmed by some of the terminology used especially with facelift and necklift procedures. One of the most common terms and questions that many of my facelift patients have is around the deep plane facelift procedure. 

What is a deep plane facelift?

The deep plane facelift refers…

Will the bones be broken during my rhinoplasty?

Many of my Houston rhinoplasty patients ask if their bones will need to be broken during rhinoplasty.  Osteotomies, or controlled fractures of the nasal bones, are necessary in order to narrow the nose but also in certain cases to straighten a crooked nose with rhinoplasty.  When a patient has a dorsal hump or bump on the bridge of their nose, taking this down may lead…

Fix a deviated septum during revision rhinoplasty?

Many of my Houston revision rhinoplasty patients present with trouble breathing after their previous rhinoplasty.  This may be due to a residual deviated septum.  Despite attempts at correcting a deviated septum with septoplasty, loss of correction or poor technique may lead to a residual deviation in the septum.  Revision septoplasty is commonly performed…

Will eyelid surgery alter my eyelashes?

Many of my eyelid surgery patients considering blepharoplasty for upper eyelid hooding or lower eyelid bags may be concerned about their lashes after surgery.  Whether you are using Latisse, an eyelash conditioner or strengthener, or just have naturally long lashes, you can still have eyelid surgery.  

Eyelid surgery should not affect the eyelashes…

Will a mini facelift help my neck?

Many of my Houston facelift patients main concern lies with their jowls and jawline.  Their neck may bother them some, but they will state that their main concern is their jowls.  When performing a mini facelift, Dr. Funk's incisions are mainly in front of the ear and do not extend as far back behind the ear.  However, his dissection will elevate under the muscle in…

Will weight loss change my rhinoplasty?

Many of my Houston rhinoplasty patients will ask if the design of their nose should be accounted for future weight loss or gain before their rhinoplasty.  Other may state that they have gained weight and want their nose to match their slimmer face from before as they plan on losing weight.  

Rhinoplasty, or reshaping the nose, is a cosmetic procedure designed…

Repairing a collapsed valve after rhinoplasty

Many of my Houston revision rhinoplasty and Houston rhinoplasty patients who present to my office have issues with their nasal breathing.  This may be due to a deviated septum, enlarged turbiantes, or nasal valve collapse.  The nasal valves are areas of the nose with the highest resistance to nasal airflow.  There are actually two valves in the nose which are the internal…

Rhinoplasty for a bifid tip

Some of my Houston rhinoplasty patients seek consultation for a bifid nasal tip or cleft nasal tip.  This is due to a shadowing appearance between the two tip cartilages with a depression of the skin in that region. A bifid tip can be corrected by using cartilage grafting from septoplasty for a deviated septum as a columellar strut and tip suturing techniques to bring…

Revision Blepharoplasty (Eyelid Surgery)

Sometimes I see eyelid surgery patients come to see me 10-15 years after their first upper eyelid surgery or blepharoplasty stating that they now see similar changes to those that drove them to the intitial surgery.  

Surgery for the aging face does not halt the aging process.

The eyelid skin is the thinnest skin in the body and the area that demonstrates…

Repeat facelift surgery

Some of my Houston facelift patients have had a previous facelift or necklift many years prior and now need another facelift or neck lift.  They may have been unhappy with their original facelift or simply feel the effects of aging and need another facelift.  

Repeat facelift or necklift is a surgery that requires attention to detail.  The previous scars may…