Many believe that a nose job or rhinoplasty is only for the teenage girl or young woman in her 20’s or 30’s. However, many of my rhinoplasty patients are well into their 50’s or 60’s.
These are patients that may have never liked their nose since their youth and just never had the opportunity to address it. Some may have become fed up with their difficulty breathing and decided that they may as well make some cosmetic improvements at the same time as fixing their deviated septum. I recently performed surgery on a girl in her late teens and after seeing the results, her aunt in her late 40’s also decided to have a rhinoplasty.
I believe that as long as you are medically capable of handling anesthesia for a nose surgery, there is no age limit for rhinoplasty. Some of my happiest patients, both functionally and cosmetically, are my older rhinoplasty patients.
Dr. Funk is a nose surgery specialist in Houston, TX.
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