Nose Surgery after Trauma

A traumatic accident may leave your nose crooked, with a scar, or deformed in another manner. Nose surgery or rhinoplasty after trauma is all about timing. A nasal bone fracture or broken nose that demonstrated evidence of bony deviation may require a closed reduction…

Revision Rhinoplasty by Houston Nose Surgery Expert

Rhinoplasty or cosmetic nose surgery is one of the most difficult procedures in plastic surgery. The nose is composed of skin, soft tissue, cartilage, and bone. Addressing all of these features during one surgery to create the ideal aesthetic nose is a difficult task.…

Rhinoplasty for a Hanging Columella

The columella is the area that separates the two nostrils. This area may be elongated or “hanging” leading to a displeasing appearance of the nose both on frontal view and profile. A hanging columella can be caused by an elongated septum, excess nasal tip cartilage, or excess skin inside the nose. 

Can I Have Nose Surgery and Sinus Surgery together?

Rhinoplasty or nose surgery to correct a cosmetic concern such as a hanging columella, bulbous tip, nasal hump, or crooked nose can be performed concomitantly for patients in which sinus surgery is indicated. Many of my rhinoplasty patients have functional breathing…

Nose surgery or Rhinoplasty to Correct a Deviated Septum

Septoplasty can be performed to correct a deviated septum during rhinoplasty or nose job surgery. A deviated septum can result from passage through the vaginal canal at birth with forceps delivery, pubescent growth, or trauma. The septum is composed of cartilage and…

Am I ready for a Facelift?

A facelift or a face and neck lift will help correct jowling along the jawline, loose neck skin, and fullness in the neck. It will treat muscle bands that are seen in the neck and simply clean things up along the jawline and neck. It will resuspend the platysma muscle…

Patients Should Seek Improvement with Revision Rhinoplasty

Revision Rhinoplasty or revision nose job surgery is a common consultation at Funk Facial Plastic Surgery. It is quite difficult for patients who have undergone rhinoplasty and the uncomfortable recovery involved only to have a disappointing cosmetic outcome. I always…

Nose surgery or nose job for wide alar base

Rhinoplasty or a nose job for ethnic patients is a commonly performed procedure in patients with a wide base of the nose or enlarged nostrils. Alar base reduction is a technique to reduce the width of the base and to reduce alar flare. The scars from this type of…

Torn earlobe repair and earlobe piercing

A torn earlobe or slit earlobe is a nuisance to many women who want to wear their earrings but cannot due to the earring pulling the piercing too low in the case of the slot or slit earlobe or the piercing being completely torn. A torn earlobe is repaired by removing the skin on the inside of the tear or slit and sewing these edged together. Complete healing will take 6-8 weeks at which time…

Nose surgery or nose job for a boxy tip

A boxy or bulbous nasal tip is one of the many reasons to seek rhinoplasty, aka nose surgery or a nose job. This type of nasal tip anatomic variant is typically due to the shape of the cartilage located in the tip. This cartilage may be convex in nature and may need to be refined with tip defining sutures, cartilage grafts, or careful and conservative reshaping of the cartilage. One thing to keep…