Rhinoplasty Before and After Photos

When reviewing rhinoplasty before and after photos, it is important to identify numerous aspects of each photo. A good rhinoplasty surgeon should have a wide array of patient photographs with different types of noses based on size, ethnicity, crooked noses, noses with a hump, or wide noses for example. Make sure the before and after were taken under similar conditions. The size, quality, light exposure, head position, and amount of makeup should be as close as possible in both photos.

Look for the light reflex in the nose job after photo. This is where the flash bounce of the nose. Cosmetic nose surgery should create a sharper more refined light reflex that focuses on the tip and dulls as it moves up the nose. Those patient’s with a hump on their nose will have a light reflex that focuses in the center of the nose on the hump. This should change in the after photo.

Overall, it is important to find a nose surgeon with significant experience who can show you a before and after of a nose similar to yours.

Dr. Funk is a rhinoplasty expert in Houston, TX.

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