Does non surgical facelift work?

I have many patients that may come in asking does a non surgical facelift work? The answer here depends on who the patient is, what they are looking to improve, and what their expectations are. A non-surgical facelift is a broad descriptor of enhancing the appearance of the face without surgery. This may be done with a liquid facelift using injectable fillers or utilizing energy therapy to tighten the soft tissues.

Patients who have volume loss and not much descent of the soft tissues or laxity of the skin may be good candidates for a liquid facelift utilizing fillers such as Sculptra or Juvederm Voluma. This will help with their volume loss and provide a more youthful, healthy, and cherubic appearance.

Patients who are in their 40s and not quite ready for surgery may be good candidates for radio frequency skin tightening or Ulthera skin tightening using Ultrasound therapy. This will help with mild skin laxity, jowling, and enhance the jawline.

Ultimately however, most of those patients in their 50’s and 60’s will require facial rejuvenation with either a mini lift, a full facelift or a face and neck lift. It is important to be evaluated by a surgeon comfortable in all facial rejuvenation techniques.

Dr. Funk is a board certified facial plastic surgeon specializing in facelift surgery in Houston, Texas.

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