How to address a sagging neck

As we mature, there is loss of collagen and elasticity in our skin. Our neck is no exception. Not only does the skin begin to sag and wrinkle because of this, the thin muscle in the neck called the platysma begins to separate and loosen. This can lead to the “bands” we frequently see in the front of the neck from the chin down. Frequently, fat can herniate or fall between these bands of muscle…

Am I Ready for Botox or Fillers?

Many of my patients have asked when they should start Botox (or Dysport) or fillers. The answer is that it depends. There are numerous factors to consider. The most important is, “How much do your wrinkles or folds bother you?”. Typically, if you are thinking about Botox…

Revision Rhinoplasty using Open or Closed Approach

Rhinoplasty alone is one of the most difficult operations in plastic surgery. As a surgeon, I must deal with the fact that the nose is a three-dimensional organ composed of not just soft tissue, but cartilage, bone, muscle, skin and the internal lining. Special consideration must be paid towards not just cosmesis but the functional aspect of the nose.

That being said, 

Rhinoplasty Should Be Natural

Time and time again, my rhinoplasty patients who see me in consultation request the same thing regarding their nose. They all desire a natural appearance to their nose.

The nose is a portion of the face that should not attract significant attention. It should go unnoticed on the…

Should I have eyelid surgery with my facelift?

Blepharoplasty or eyelid surgery is a common procedure that I perform along with a facelift. Enhancing and rejuvenating the eyes provides harmony and balance to the remainder of…

Will a nose job help my allergies?

Nose job or rhinoplasty can help improve your nasal airway by performing septoplasty for a deviated septum or making the turbinates smaller. Treating the turbinates can sometimes help with allergies however, one should be wary that nasal airway surgery can sometimes worsen allergies….


Revision Rhinoplasty for over rotation or nostril show

One of the complications and aesthetically displeasing results after a rhinoplasty or nose job may be an upturned nasal tip causing excess nostril show and a turned up nose with an operated appearance. This can be a disastrous consequence for a rhinoplasty patient.

Overrotation of…

Facelift or Fillers?

Many of my patients are unsure as to when they would need a facelift or simply just have facial fillers injected such as Restylane or Juvederm. When addressing the maturing face, it is important to assess what is the root cause of one’s facial appearance. Whether it is a deflated appearance,…

What causes a deviated septum?

Nose surgery may include septoplasty for a deviated septum. The septum is the wall that separates the two sides of the nose and is composed of cartilage in front and thin bone in the back. A deviated septum can occur due to numerous reasons. The septum can become deviated during birth as…

Rhinoplasty Recovery Tips

Recovery after rhinoplasty or a nose job typically takes 7-10 days. However, there are certain things that can help expedite your recovery after rhinoplasty. Every patient is different and depending on your age, skin thickness, medical issues, and degree of work needed on the nose, recovery…