Is Rhinoplasty Painful?

Many patients seeking rhinoplasty or nose job surgery will frequently ask if it is a painful procedure or if they will require lots of pain medication after rhinoplasty. Although I have not had rhinoplasty, the majority of my nose patients will state that the procedure was not painful but simply uncomfortable. They describe the first couple of day as being very congested and similar to having a bad sinus infection. After about day 3, patients will state that their nasal congestion will improve and they feel more comfortable.

Some of my patients do not require any pain medications after rhinoplasty while others may need them. I have found that decongestants and benadryl help alleviate more of their congestion and discomfort than pain medications.

The bottom line is that rhinoplasty is quite tolerable and not a painful procedure with a relatively straightforward recovery time.

Dr. Funk is rhinoplasty surgeon in Houston, TX.

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