Rhinoplasty or nose job surgery is not for everyone. A qualified rhinoplasty surgeon will evaluate you to assess if you are a good candidate for rhinoplasty. The best rhinoplasty candidate is a patient who has realistic expectations. The best rhinoplasty surgeon should be able to make almost every nose (at least primary rhinoplasty nose) look better. What a patient has to realize is that plastic surgery and sculpting a statue or sculpture are a little different. It is true that with nose job surgery you are sculpting the nose and creating a more refined product. However, unlike with a statue, there is a whole wound healing process involved after surgery that is out of the hands of the surgeon. There are certain things that a surgeon can do to improve the wound healing process and minimize swelling to ultimately get a better rhinoplasty result. Although I seek perfection with every surgery I perform, I know that ultimately, I cannot control the wound healing process and as long as the patient understands this, they are the best candidate for rhinoplasty.
Dr. Funk is a rhinoplasty expert in Houston, TX.
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