Revision Rhinoplasty and Scar Tissue

Rhinoplasty or nose job surgery can lead to significant scar tissue deposition or build up of scar tissue between the skin and cartilage. This can lead to lack of refinement of the tip or a bulbous tip after rhinoplasty.

Obtaining good results with rhinoplasty can be difficult due to this. During revision rhinoplasty this scar tissue is frequently removed and the skin can be thinned to obtain a smaller nose. However, one has to understand that scar tissue may be deposited again with revision rhinoplasty.

Sometimes, steroid injection can be performed after revision rhinoplasty in order to decrease the amount of scar deposition and break up some of the scar tissue. Massage can help this as well.

Dr. Funk is a revision rhinoplasty surgeon in Houston, TX.

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