Rhinoplasty Before and After

Nose surgery results may vary from patient to patient and surgeon to surgeon. It is important to review your surgeon’s nose job before and after photos to understand what type of results they are attaining. As you are reviewing, there are certain things you should…

Facelift Surgery Recovery

Recovery after a facelift[/url] varies depending on the extent of surgery and age of the patient. A short scar facelift or mini facelift may only require 7-10 days recovery while a full face and neck lift may require 14-20 days of recovery. If a neck lift is required with the facelift, then this requires further dissection and suturing which ultimately leads to a little more bruising and swelling.…

Why Nose Surgery is so Popular

After breast augmentation, rhinoplasty or nose job surgery is the most common type of plastic surgery performed. Many are unhappy with the appearance of their nose and desire cosmetic changes through rhinoplasty. A good rhinoplasty can truly allow people to appreciate…

Copy Kate - Kate Middleton’s nose and Rhinoplasty

A recent study out of NYU revealed that a rotation angle of 106 degrees to the nasal tip was the most aesthetically pleasing in Caucasian women. I would tend to agree that the Kate Middleton nose is attractive, but what is it that makes it so appealing? I always tell…

Rhinoplasty is worth it

I see many patients in consultation for nose job surgery or rhinoplasty and it seems at times that they may be unsure as to whether rhinoplasty is worth it. Last week I had a patient come in 6 days postoperatively for their first postop visit, as per usual, and I…

Best Facelift Technique

I recently returned from the Las Vegas Cosmetic and Aesthetic meeting where hot topics included more vertical facelift and neck lift techniques. This type of lift eliminates the need for extensive neck dissection and muscle work in the neck. The deep plane vertical…

Is a Nose Job Worth It?

A nose job or rhinoplasty is something you may have considered for the last 20 years or 2 years. Your dislike of the appearance of your nose may wax and wane throughout the years, but ultimately, it will continue to reside in your psyche. I have seen how changing the shape of the nose with nose surgery can improve my patients’ confidence, self-esteem, and indifference to taking photographs from…

Rhinoplasty for a Wide Nose

A common complaint from patients is that they feel their nose may be too wide. Rhinoplasty, or a nose job, can narrow the nose in numerous areas. Nose surgery can narrow the nose in the nasal bone region with osteotomies or controlled fractures of the nasal bones. Rhinoplasty…

Symptoms of a Deviated Septum

Many of my patients present with trouble breathing through their nose due to a deviated septum. Deviated septum surgery or septoplasty is a common outpatient procedure to correct this breathing problem. Patients may also have recurrent nose bleeds, a dry nose with crusts, and/or…

Otoplasty recovery

Ear pinning surgery or otoplasty is an outpatient procedure where the ear cartilage is shaped to pin the ears closer to the side of the head. This can be done using sutures/stitches or cutting and shaping the cartilage. The surgery can be done as early as 5-6 years…