Recovery after eyelid surgery

Many of my Houston eyelid surgery patients inquire about the recovery time after eyelid surgery.  Upper eyelid surgery for hooding or excess skin is a relatively straightforward operation with recovery times around 5-7 days.  Upper blepharoplasty can be performed under local anesthesia or light sedation.

Lower eyelid surgery for lower eyelid bags and dark…

Bruising after rhinoplasty

Many of my Houston rhinoplasty patients are concerned about bruising after rhinoplasty.  While the internet is amassed with photos of significant bruising around the eyes after rhinoplasty, most of Dr. Funk's rhinoplasty patients do not bruise much at all.  There are many reasons for this.

Dr. Funk has his patients start Arnica (an herbal remedy that helps with…

Will a facelift lift my eyebrows?

Many of my Houston facelift patients are concerned about low or droopy eyebrows and ask if a facelift will lift their eyebrows.  A facelift with or without a neck lift will address the midface, lower face, jowls, and neck.  If a patient wants their brows lifted, a brow lift or endoscopic browlift is the procedure to position the brows in a more lifted position.



Is revision rhinoplasty more expensive?

Many of my Houston revision rhinoplasty patients have spent considerable amounts on their previous surgery(s) and cost is an important driver for their decision to pursue revision rhinoplasty.  While cost of revision rhinoplasty may vary from surgeon to surgeon, it is usually more expensive than primary rhinoplasty.  Revision rhinoplasty requires more work for…

Mini facelift or full facelift?

Many of my Houston facelift patients are confused by the extensive terminology when it comes to facelift techniques.  Many of the terms describe the type of facelift or neck lift while others describe the extent of dissection.  When it comes to facelifts, Dr. Funk likes to break it down to three areas.  The midface, which encompasses the upper cheek and temple area, the jawline and jowl area,…

Does lower eyelid surgery remove wrinkles?

Many of my lower eyelid surgery Houston patients are concerned about crepe lower eyelid skin in addition to their lower eyelid bags.  Lower eyelid surgery or lower blepharoplasty can address the fat causing lower eyelid bags and dark circles while also tightening the lower eyelid skin.  This can be done with a skin pinch after the fat is addressed through the…

How is Asian rhinoplasty different?

Many of my Asian rhinoplasty patients who come to my Houston office have specific concerns related to their nose.  Common themes with Asian rhionplasty include a low bridge or dorsum that may require augmentation.  A flat nasal tip and wide nostrils may also need to be addressed with Asian rhinoplasty.  

This can be accomplished with cartilage…

Rhinoplasty recovery time

An important question for many of my Houston rhinoplasty patients is the recovery time after rhinoplasty.  Recovery after rhinoplasty with Dr. Funk is usually about 8 days.  You can expect to have a cast and tape on your nose for the first 6 days.  After this is removed, you nose will be retaped for 2-4 more days depending on the amount of work performed, amount of…

Facelift Cost in Houston

There are many factors to consider when deciding on a facelift.  One of the concerns is the cost of a facelift for my Houston patients.  Depending on the complexity/extent of surgery, the surgeon, and facility/anaesthesia fees, the cost of a facelift in Houston can vary.  A deep plane facelift involving the midface, jawline, jowls, and neck may cost more than a mini facelift…

Should I do lower eyelids with upper eyelid surgery?

Many of my Houston eyelid surgery patients who come in for hooding of the upper eyelids may not realize they are also good candidates for lower eyelid surgery.  Lower eyelid bags and dark circles under the eyes can be corrected with lower eyelid surgery.  The recovery after upper eyelid surgery is about 6 days while the recovery for lower eyelid blepharoplasty is…