Is rhinoplasty covered by insurance?

Rhinoplasty is considered cosmetic surgery and is therefore not covered by insurance. However, if you have breathing issues due to a deviated nasal septum, valve collapse, or turbinate hypertrophy, a portion of your nose surgery may be covered by insurance.

Utilizing your insurance may fray your facility and anesthesia fees. Since insurance will pay the facility and anesthesia for the functional aspect of your rhinoplasty, their cosmetic fees will be considerably less.

If you do have breathing issues with your nose and are seeking septoplasty for a deviated septum or turbinate reduction for enlarged turbinates or allergies, it is important to seek a plastic surgeon or facial plastic surgeon in Houston with the skills to be able to correct these issues.

Dr. Funk is a board certified facial plastic surgeon, ENT, and rhinoplasty expert in Houston.

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