Revision rhinoplasty for a crooked nose

Many of my Houston revision rhinoplasty patients are concerned about a crooked nose after their initial rhinoplasty.  Rhinoplasty for a crooked nose is difficult as cartilage has memory and tends to want to creep back towards the direction it was initially.  This is even more true for revision rhinoplasty for a crooked nose.  With revision rhinoplasty, there…

Upper & lower eyelids at the same time

Is it better to have both upper and lower eyelids done at the same time?

Will a septoplasty fix my crooked nose?

Many of my Houston rhinoplasty patients who present with a crooked nose may also have a deviated septum.  One question many patients have is whether septoplasty for a deviated septum will correct their crooked nose.  The simple answer here is no.  A septoplasty will not straighten a crooked nose just as straightening a crooked nose will not fix a deviated…

Will a facelift require liposuction

Many of my Houston facelift patients desire improvment to their neck in addition to their jowls, jawline, and flat cheeks.  Neck laxity and submental fullness may need to be treated with a facelift and neck lift. If there is significant fullness in the neck due to excess fat, liposuction of the neck may be needed to contour the neck at the same time the suspension of the…

Rhinoplasty with rhinophyma

Many of my Houston rhinoplasty patients present with rosacea of the cheeks, nose, forehead or even chin.  Rosacea of the nose can appear in different forms and severities.  This is important when considering rhinoplasty.  The final form of rosacea of the nose or most severe is called rhinophyma.  Rhinophyma is due to sebaceous glands multiplying which creates a knobby,…

What type of anesthesia is used for a facelift?

Many of my Houston facelift patients inquire as to the type of anesthesia used for a facelift.  A typical facelift or face and neck lift takes 2-4 hours, depending on the type of facelift.  Liposuction for the neck adds operative time as does dissecting out the neck.  A mini-facelift will take shorter time than a full face and neck lift.  Deep plane facelifts may take…

Rhinoplasty to straighten a crooked nose

Many of my crooked nose rhinoplasty patients in Houston want to know how their crooked nose can be straightened.  The crooked nose may be due to previous trauma, pubescent growth, or previous surgery.  Correcting a deviated septum with septoplasty does not necessarily correct a crooked nose and straightening a crooked nose will…

How to increase projection in a flat ethnic nose

A flat or droopy nasal tip in an ethnic nose is a common reason to seek rhinoplasty with my Houston patients.  Asian rhinoplasty or African American rhinoplasty frequently requires grafting to increase the tip projection, or bring the tip of the nose further out from the face.  This grafting can be done with cartilage grafts from the septum which can be…

Ethnic rhinoplasty with cadaver rib cartilage

Many of my Houston ethnic rhinoplasty patients have a low bridge and flat tip that require grafts to support and build up these areas.  Cadaver rib cartilage is an excellent choice for ethnic rhinoplasty.  It can build up a low dorsum or bridge and also support a weak flap or droopy nasal tip.  Cadaver rib cartilage, handled properly, has very low infection,…

Revision rhinoplasty for bulbous tip

Many of my Houston revision rhinoplasty patients are still concerned about a bulbous tip and want more refinement of the nasal tip.  This will depend on many things regarding their previous surgeries.  Patients with thicker nasal tip skin may develop more scarring beneath the skin which can make refining the nasal tip more difficult.  Patients who have had…