Frequently patients desire rhinoplasty with lower eyelid surgery for bags under the eyes. Many of my younger rhinoplasty patients have congenital lower eyelid bags that require blepharoplasty or lower eyelid surgery to correct.
Rhinoplasty or nose job surgery can be performed with lower eyelid blepharoplasty to correct bags or dark circles under the eyes. Some rhinoplasty patients will have lower eyelid bruising and swelling with rhinoplasty alone so this is a good time to have lower eyelid surgery for one recovery. Younger patients may state that they feel like they had bags under their eyes as long as they can remember or dark circles under the eyes most of their life.
Rhinoplasty combined with eyelid surgery can be performed safely and effectively to achieve an excellent cosmetic result.
Dr. Funk is a top eyelid surgery and rhinoplasty surgeon in Houston, TX.
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