Nose surgery or nose job for a boxy tip

A boxy or bulbous nasal tip is one of the many reasons to seek rhinoplasty, aka nose surgery or a nose job. This type of nasal tip anatomic variant is typically due to the shape of the cartilage located in the tip. This cartilage may be convex in nature and may need to be refined with tip defining sutures, cartilage grafts, or careful and conservative reshaping of the cartilage. One thing to keep…

Difference between a facelift and neck lift

Many of my patients are unsure of the type of facelift they need to improve the appearance of their jawline and neck. This is dependent on each patient’s age, how they have matured, and environmental factors. Younger patients in their 40’s and early 50’s may…

Non-Surgical Rhinoplasty?

There is been a significant amount of generated interest in non-surgical rhinoplasty or a liquid nose job using fillers such as Restylane or Radiesse. This can help camouflage the appearance of a dorsal hump without surgery. I absolutely do not recommend non-surgical or injection rhinoplasty for numerous reasons.

Filler injections to the nose will not improve the nasal airway and do not…

Lip Augmentation with Fillers

Valentine’s Day is coming soon! What a perfect time to assure you have just the right fullness and volume to your lips to provide that perfect kiss.
Filler injection to the lips is an art that I believe needs to be done in moderation with just the right amount…

How to Find the Top Nose Job Surgeon in Houston

Rhinoplasty, aka nose job, is one of the most difficult procedures in plastic surgery. The surgeon is not only manipulating soft tissue and skin, but having to deal with cartilage, bone, and the functional components of the nose. It is important that when performing…

What type of Facelift is best for me?

Many of my facelift patients are confused about the different terms used for facelift techniques. Every patient is different and their face matures differently throughout their life. While a patient in their late 40’s may only require a mini-facelift or 

Deviated septum and Septoplasty

During rhinoplasty, aka nose surgery, a septoplasty may need to be performed to correct a deviated septum. A deviated septum may occur due to numerous reasons such as trauma, pubescent growth, or passage through the birth canal during labor. Correcting a deviated septum during rhinoplasty…

Rhinoplasty for Persian or Iranian nose

Rhinoplasty or a nose job for a Persian or Iranian nose is quite common both in Houston, the United States, and in Iran. I have all too often seen Iranians who have obviously had cosmetic nose surgery or rhinoplasty. They may have a sloop the bridge of their nose, the tip may…

Rhinoplasty or nose job for wide base

Rhinoplasty or nose surgery can be performed for someone with a wide base of the nose or wide nostrils. This is a common procedure for patients of ethnic background such as African-Americans, Hispanics, and even some Caucasians. Alar base reduction is performed by making small incisions in…

Rhinoplasty for Cleft Lip

Rhinoplasty or Septoplasty in a patient with a history of a cleft lip repair can be more tricky due to inherent asymmetry in the nasal tip cartilages and the septal cartilage. The nasal tip cartilage on the cleft side is typically depressed and leaning to this side. The nostril is typically…