Will a Mini Facelift correct my neck?

Many of my Houston facelift patients come in wondering if a mini facelift with correct the concern they have with their neck. A mini facelift will help correct some aspects of the neck depending on two factors.

Factor number one is the severity of the neck. Patients in their 60’s or 70’s with extensive skin laxity of the neck or patients with a heavy waddle or large neck may benefit slightly in the neck with a mini facelift. These patients will likely require direct fat excision, possible platysmaplasty, and possible neck lift. This requires elevation of the skin of the neck and suspension of the platysma muscle to the mastoid bone behind the ear.

Factor number two is the extent of the mini facelift. The mini facelift’s purpose is to improve the jowls, jawline, and perhaps the mid face. The SMAS is a layer of fascia that lies over the face and is the extension of the platysma muscle in the neck. If a deep plane dissection is conducted with the mini facelift and the sub SMAS ligaments are released, this will help suspend the neck better and tighten it at the same time.

For patients with mild neck skin laxity and small amounts of neck fat, a deep plane mini facelift will help correct concerns the patient may have with the neck.

Dr. Funk is a facelift surgeon in Houston.

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