Recovery after a mini facelift?

Many of my Houston patients who are seeking facial rejuvenation inquire what is the recovery after a mini facelift. This depends on the depth of dissection during the mini facelift. The incisions for the mini facelift are around the ears and temple but do not extend behind the ears as the neck lift incisions do. Remember, the mini facelift is mainly used to treat jowls and the jawline.

If the mini facelift is done with a deep plane dissection (which means the SMAS is incised and elevated and the ligaments are released beneath the SMAS), this will provide a better facelift that will last longer and fills the mid face at the same time. In addition, the deep plane will help suspend and tighten the neck but not as much as a neck lift. The deep plane does cause some more swelling which may last 2-3 more days than just a SMAS lift where a few stitches are placed to tack up the SMAS.

Dr. Funk performs mini facelift surgery in Houston.

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