Rhinoplasty and Sleep Apnea

Some of my Houston rhinoplasty patients have issues with breathing while sleeping and admit to snoring or even apneic events. Rhinoplasty for cosmetic purposes will not improve breathing, snoring, and definitely not sleep apnea. However, if septoplasty or turbinate reduction is performed at the same time as rhinoplasty, this will improve breathing and snoring.  Read more | Comments (0) | Feb 20, 2018

Eyelid Surgery after LASIK

I always ask my Houston eyelid surgery patients if they have had LASIK surgery in the past whether they are interested in upper eyelid surgery or lower eyelid bags surgery. Eyelid surgery or blepharoplasty with a history of LASIK surgery can predispose one to dry eye. The blink reflex…

After Facelift Surgery Care

Many of my Houston facelift patients are concerned about their post facelift surgery care prior to surgery. At Funk Facial Plastic Surgery, we will provide all the proper instructions on postoperative care for bandages, dressings, incision lines and what to expect. We also recommend certain medication to stop prior to surgery and other medications to take afterwards to assist in the healing process.