Revision rhinoplasty for crooked nose

Many of my Houston revision rhinoplasty patients may come in with a crooked nose from a previous rhinoplasty.  Crooked noses are difficult to get perfect, especially with a revision.  With revision rhinoplasty, there is significantly more scar tissue surrounding the cartilage with less malleability to this cartilage.  This makes straightening the nose more…

How long does lower blepharoplasty last?

Frequently, my Houston lower eyelid surgery patients will ask how long treatment for their lower eyelid bags will last.  Lower eyelid bags are due to fat that has pooched out over time or was there even during childhood.  If performed properly and not overdone, this fat should not return over time.  During lower eyelid blepharoplasty, the lower eyelid skin…

Should my rhinoplasty surgeon take before and after intraoperative photos?

Many of our Houston rhinoplasty patients are now requesting intraoperative photos or videos of their nose.  This requires the surgeon or assistant to take photos before, during, or at the completion of the surgery.  Dr. Funk will do this if requested and is happy to provide this service.  Recognize that the final result is not reflected in the intraop rhinoplasty photos…

Do I need my mid face addressed with my facelift?

When having a discussion with my Houston facelift patients, I like to break the anatomy into three locations.The midface is the area of temple down to the below the cheek or malar area.  The next area is the jawline and jowls and lower face.  Lastly is the neck with skin laxity and banding.  Not all patients require their midface addressed with a facelift as the fat pads…

Upper blepharoplasty for hooded eyelids

Many of my Houston eyelid surgery patients come in during their 40's concerened about the first signs of aging in their eyelids which is the thin crepe upper eyelid skin hanging over or hooding the eyelid.  This prevents placing eye shadow, mascara, and eyeliner easily.  Upper blepharoplasty or upper eyelid surgery removes this excess skin and allows for a more…

How does rhinoplasty work?

Many of our Houston rhinoplasty patients may ask during consultation how does rhinoplasty work?  Rhinoplasty is a procedure where the shape of the nose is changed.  Dr. Funk normally performs nose job surgery with an open rhinoplasty approach which requires a small incision between the nostrils.  The other incisions are around the nostrils on the inside and the skin…

How long does a facelift last?

Many of my Houston facelift patients will ask how long their facelift will last before they may need another one.  This depends on the type of facelift performed.  A deep plane facelift will last 10-15 years before you begin to notice more skin laxity,…

Treatment for dark circles under eyes

Many of my Houston eyelid surgery patients are concerned about lower eyelid bags and dark circles under the eyes.  Dark circles under the eyes can be due to many factors.  Allergies can cause allergic shiners.  Some patients genetically have darker pigment in the under eye region.  When patients have "bags" under their eyes due to fat protruding in this region,…

Can you still have rhinoplasty after liquid rhinoplasty?

Many of my Houston rhinoplasty patients have had previous filler injected into their nose in order to hide a dorsal hump or refine the tip of the nose.  This is important to know during the assessment process when examining the nose.  Frequently, during surgical rhinoplasty, filler will be encountered in the tip or the bridge of the nose and this will need to be suctioned…

Is a deep plane facelift right for me?

Many of my Houston facelift patients come in for consultation unsure about what type of facelift is best for them.  Online information can be confusing with all the terminology surrounding facelifts.  The deep plane facelift describes the plane of dissection (deep to the platysma muscle and SMAS) which allows release of the retaining ligaments allowing for a more impressive…