Why does rhinoplasty cause black eyes?

Many of my Houston rhinoplasty patients ask if they will have black eyes after rhinoplasty. Rhinoplasty or nose surgery to change the shape of the nose frequently requires osteotomies. These are controlled fractures of the nasal bones. This is an important maneuver in rhinoplasty especially when removing a nasal hump or dorsal hump. Then nasal bones sit fairly closely to the eyelids and eyelid skin is the thinnest skin in the body. Bleeding from the osteotomies will cause some bruising of the lower eyelids. This is what may cause the black eyes during rhinoplasty. Younger patients tend to bruise less as there is less capillary fragility and the skin is not as thin as patients who are over 35. However, the majority of patients bruising is resolved by 10 days after rhinoplasty.

Dr. Funk is a top rhinoplasty surgeon in Houston, TX.

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