Does Accutane help a bulbous tip?

A few of my Houston rhinoplasty patients with thick nasal tip skin have also had severe acne.  Recently, I saw one of them 3 years out after rhinoplasty.  She had a nice result despite her extremey thick nasal tip skin and I had not seen her in over a year.  Upon examination, her tip had significantly become more refined and shrunken.  She then shared that after she…

Can lower eyelid surgery be performed with rhinoplasty?

Many of my Houston patients who are inquiring about rhinoplasty are also interested in lower eylid bag surgery or lower blepharoplasty.  A common question is whether these can be performed at the same time.  Although the lower eyelids and nose are in close proximity, it is not uncommon to perform these procedures simultaneously.  Swelling around the eyes after…

Will a neck lift improve my jowls?

Many of my Houston facelift patients are concerned about their neck primarily, but also would like to see improvement in their jowls.  Facelift terminology can be confusing so it is important to understand what each procedure can do.  A neck lift alone will improve the contour of the neck and double chin area, however will not improve the jowls much.  A lower facelift…

How is a bulbous tip refined with rhinoplasty?

Rhinoplasty for a bulbous tip is a common request from Houston patients at Funk Facial Plastic surgery.  A bulbous tip can be due to wide or excessively broad tip cartilages, thick tip skin, or even scar tissue with revision rhinoplasty patients.  Refining a bulbous tip with rhinoplasty can be done utilizing many maneuvers and techniques.  Nasal tip sutures, thinning…

Scars after eyelid surgery

Many of my Houston eyelid surgery patients want to know where their scars will be located after blepharoplasty or eyelid surgery.  Upper eyelid surgery incisions are placed in the crease of the upper eyelid but can extend out laterally just beyond the crease.  This is the are of the scar that is most noticeable initially.  However, after several weeks, this scar…

What increases the cost of rhinoplasty?

Many of my Houston rhinoplasty patients call in aking about the cost of rhinoplasty in Houston.  This is truly dependent on each nose.  Functional or breathing issues can be submitted to insurance which can fray a small portion of the cost of rhinoplasty.  Cosmetic fees may vary from surgeon to surgeon and nose to nose.  Revision rhinoplasty noses can be more complex…

How long does a facelift last?

Many of my Houston facelift patients will ask how long their facelift will last after surgery.  This truly depends on the age of the patient, type of facelift performed, and environmental factors after the facelift.  The deep plane facelift where ligamentous attachments to the SMAS are released and the SMAS and platysma are resuspended will allow for a longer lasting…

Do I need upper eyelid surgery or a brow lift?

Many of my Houston eyelid surgery patients present with concerns regarding their upper eyelid excess skin or hooding over their eyes.  While some of these patients may simply have excess skin over their eyelids, others may actually have heavy or low eyebrows.  

The female  eyebrow should lie about 1cm above the bony ridge on the outside of the brow.…

Can ear cartilage be used for revision rhinoplasty?

Many of my Houston revision rhinoplasty patients have had septoplasty for a deviated septum.  Therefore there is insufficient cartilage remaining in the septum for grafting purposes.  Another source for cartilage when septal cartilage is not available is ear cartilage.  Ear cartilage for revision rhinoplasty can be used mainly around the tip of the nose as…

How long does rhinoplasty last?

Many of my Houston rhinoplasty patients ask how long their rhinoplasty will last.  Will another rhinoplasty surgery be necessary?  When rhinoplasty is performed correctly by an experienced rhinoplasty surgeon who understands both the aesthetics and the functional components of the nose, the results should be timeless.  Although many noses are made smaller, they should…