Is a nose job right for me?

Most of my rhinoplasty patients will tell me that they have never liked their nose since their early teen years. Your dislike of your nose may wax and wane over time, but ultimately your nose will be an aspect of your face you will never be happy with. Cosmetic nose surgery,…

Is Nose Surgery Permanent?

Patients interested in a nose job or rhinoplasty will frequently as if this nose surgery is permanent. Unlike a facelift, breast augmentation, or eyelid surgery, rhinoplasty (when done correctly) is permanent. Once everything has healed after your nose surgery, the…

Filler for Under Eyes

Filler for under eyes treatment is becoming more common for those patients who are not quite ready for lower eyelid surgery and prefer to have an interim treatment with less downtime and shorter recovery. Injectable fillers for the face are commonly performed in…

What is deviated septum surgery?

A deviated nasal septum can be addressed during rhinoplasty or nose job surgery. Deviated septum surgery corrects the wall that separates the two sides of the nose (septum) to straighten it. A deviated septum may be caused by passage through the birth canal, pubescent growth, or…

Does Eyelid Surgery Hurt?

Eyelid surgery or blepharoplasty can be performed on either the upper or lower eyelid. Upper eyelid surgery is a fairly straightforward surgery to improve the cosmetic appearance lids by excising excess eyelid skin and creating a more youthful, rested, and open eyed appearance. Recovery…

Does a Facelift Include the Neck?

The term facelift can be a bit of a misnomer. I believe a better term would be a face and neck lift. However, there are many different types of facelifts.

If you are only wanting to treat the jawline and jowls, a mini-facelift may be more appropriate. The incisions…

Non Surgical Nose Job

I have had many patients ask me if filler can be used for a nonsurgical nose job. My response to this question is always one of caution and hesitation. The nasal skin is quite thin and, unlike other areas in the face and neck, can be tightly adherent to the underlying…

Can Rhinoplasty fix Sinus Problems

Rhinoplasty or nose surgery to address the shape of the nose can also improve your breathing by straightening a deviated septum or making turbinates smaller. This will improve your nasal airway and nasal airflow.

If you suffer from nasal allergies, you will likely continue to be allergic to the same substances after your nose surgery. However, making the turbinates smaller, will not allow…

Rhinoplasty and Chin implant

Rhinoplasty, or nose job surgery, is designed to reshape the nose. On profile, there should be good balance between the nose, chin, cheeks, and forehead. This should create facial harmony and good proportion. At times, patients may have a recessed chin and a nose that sticks out too far. There is only so much nose surgery can do to provide that right balance. Sometimes, in addition to bringing in…

Is Rhinoplasty a Major Surgery?

Cosmetic Nose Surgery or Rhinoplasty is an elective outpatient procedure. This means that you will be able to go home about 1-2 hours after your surgery is completed and you have awakened from anesthesia. Rhinoplasty does require general anesthesia and typically takes…