Should I have a nose job?

The decision to have nose surgery or rhinoplasty to change the shape of the nose is a personal one. The majority of my patients will tell me that they “never liked their nose for as long as they can remember”. If you are constantly noticing your nose in photographs…

What is recovery like after a nose job?

Recovery after rhinoplasty or nose surgery is typically 7-10 days. I do not use packing with my rhinoplasties which leads to a more tolerable and easier recovery. Nevertheless, the first couple of nights after nose surgery are described by my patients as uncomfortable.…

What is recovery like after a nose job?

Recovery after rhinoplasty or nose surgery is typically 7-10 days. I do not use packing with my rhinoplasties which leads to a more tolerable and easier recovery. Nevertheless, the first couple of nights after nose surgery are described by my patients as uncomfortable.…

Does a nose job leave scars?

Nose surgery or rhinoplasty is a cosmetic procedure to change the shape of the nose. Historically, nose job surgery was only done closed, or with incisions inside the nose. This avoided any external scar. However, today, rhinoplasty is mainly done open with a small…

Does a nose job leave scars?

Nose surgery or rhinoplasty is a cosmetic procedure to change the shape of the nose. Historically, nose job surgery was only done closed, or with incisions inside the nose. This avoided any external scar. However, today, rhinoplasty is mainly done open with a small…

Does a nose job hurt?

Many of my patients are concerned about the possibility of pain after nose surgery or rhinoplasty. The fact is that nose surgery or a nose job is not necessarily a painful surgery but described as more uncomfortable. The majority of my rhinoplasty patients do not require…

Does a nose job hurt?

Many of my patients are concerned about the possibility of pain after nose surgery or rhinoplasty. The fact is that nose surgery or a nose job is not necessarily a painful surgery but described as more uncomfortable. The majority of my rhinoplasty patients do not require…

Is Rhinoplasty Safe?

I frequently am asked by patients if nose surgery is safe. Rhinoplasty or a nose job is an outpatient surgery that is typically done under general anesthesia. In comparison to other types of outpatient and general surgery, nose surgery is relatively safe. Of course…

How much does nose surgery cost?

The cost of nose surgery or rhinoplasty is dependent on what needs to be done and who is doing it.

If you only have breathing or sinus issues and need functional nasal surgery and/or 

How does Rhinoplasty Work?

With rhinoplasty, or nose job surgery, the underlying framework of the nose is reshaped and the skin contracts and redrapes over this new framework. The skin can be completely elevated using either the open approach to rhinoplasty or through a closed rhinoplasty approach.…