Do I need a Neck Lift or a Facelift?

This is a common question posed by many of my patients interested in facial rejuvenation.

neck lift only address the lax neck skin and banding that can occur from the weak muscle. It will not address much of the jowls, loose cheek skin or mid-face at all. It will minimally improve…

Bags under lower eyelids - Eyelid Surgery, Blepharoplasty, and Fillers for Eyes

I have many patients (especially younger ones) coming in to see me regarding concerns about their lower eyelids. The do not like the heavy appearance of their lower lids, the deep groove, the “bags”, or the dark circles under the eyes.

The “bags” are due to the fat starting to push out due to weaking of the tissues around the eye. The deep groove can cause a shadowed appearance creating…

Rhinoplasty or Nose Job makes you younger

Rhinoplasty or cosmetic nose surgery can provide the appearance of youth. A recent study by my mentor and fellowship director in Toronto has shown that patients do appear younger…

Silastic Gel sheeting, Mederma, and paper tape for scars

A recent study demonstrates that Mederma, silicone gel, or silastic sheeting will improve the appearance of a scar compared to no treatment at all. Scar treatment should begin 2 weeks after surgery and should be placed on the surgical site for at least 6 weeks. It is preferable to have this treatment for 6 months or longer as it takes this much time for a scar to mature.

Dr. Funk is…

Rhinoplasty for Nasal Valve Collapse

Nose surgery or rhinoplasty is a common procedure used to treat the nasal valve. The nasal valve is an area inside the nose of highest resistance to airflow. Whether it be due to a deviated septum, trauma, or weak external cartilage, nasal valve collapse can lead to significant obstruction.


Rhinoplasty for a Bulbous Tip

Rhinoplasty or nose surgery for a bulbous nasal tip is the only way to create a more refined nose. The bulbosity of the nasal tip is typically due to excessive width to the cartilage, excessive “spring” to the cartilage making them bowed, or cartilages that are spaced too…

Treating Runner’s Face

Runner’s face is the new term being used for the facial appearance many avid endurance athletes such as long-distance runners attain. There is typically a hollowed-out cheek area and a more prominent bony anatomy due to the loss of facial fat.

This gaunt appearance can be combated with 

Revision Septoplasty for Deviated Septum - Houston, TX

A deviated septum can lead to significant nasal breathing problems and even nose bleeds. Septoplasty can easily correct a deviated septum. However, sometimes the cartilage can lose correction and return to its deviated state.

French Breast Implants to be Removed

A recent revelation that a certain type of silicone breast implant is prone to rupture has created a stir throughout Europe and the Middle East. The French government has recommended anyone with the PIP silicone breast implant have them removed. Initial comments that it may be linked to breast cancer have been retracted, however these implants are more likely to rupture and cause leakage of silicone…

Rhinoplasty Cost in Houston, Texas

The cost of rhinoplasty depends on multiple factors. The complexity of your nose and whether there are functional or breathing issues.

Previous cosmetic nasal surgery increases the level of difficulty for rhinoplasty as there is significant scarring and lack of cartilage for grafting.
