Deviated Septum Surgery and Rhinoplasty

A deviated septum can lead to significant nasal airway obstruction. Septoplasty or surgery for a deviated septum removes the deviated portions of cartilage and bone leaving enough cartilage for support of the bridge and nasal tip.

Septoplasty is a common operation that is…

Nose surgery later in life

Many believe that a nose job or rhinoplasty is only for the teenage girl or young woman in her 20’s or 30’s. However, many of my rhinoplasty patients are well into their 50’s or 60’s.

These are patients that may have never liked their nose since their…

Shorter Recovery Time after Rhinoplasty or Nose Job

One of the biggest issues for patients undergoing cosmetic surgery is the time needed for recovery. Whether it is 3 days or 3 weeks, our time is precious and we want to attain the best results possible while having the least amount of recovery time. Dr. Etai Funk, a board certified facial plastic surgeon in Houston, TX, is a 

Nasal valve repair with Nose Job

Rhinoplasty to repair the nasal valve is a procedure that is typically performed with septoplasty for a deviated nasal septum and turbinate reduction. The nasal valve is comprised of internal and external components. Compromise or damage to either can lead to severe…

Finding the Right Facelift Surgeon in Houston

facelift or face and necklift should provide a natural, un-operated result without the pulled or windswept appearance. Finding the proper facelift surgeon can be a challenge. It’s important to be evaluated by someone who understands the anatomy and understands…

Nose surgery for deviated septum

Nose surgery for a deviated septum can be fairly straightforward when the nasal septal deviation is minor. However, when there is a severe septal deflection that is extending into the nostrils and causing nostril asymmetry, repair becomes more difficult.


Nose surgery for Reconstructing the Nasal Tip after Bite Trauma

This week I performed rhinoplasty or nose surgery to reconstruct a patient’s nasal tip after bite trauma years prior. The patient had multiple nasal surgeries to attempt reconstruction with skin grafts and cartilage. However, the nose still looked quite distorted…

Nose Surgery and Nose Ring

Nose Surgery or Rhinoplasty is a common but complicated procedure. Shaping and manipulating the nasal cartilage to create a more aesthetically pleasing nose while preserving function or breathing is challenging. The introduction of scar tissue after a nasal piercing can…

Rhinoplasty Most Common Facial Plastic Surgery

I was recently quoted in Houston on how rhinoplasty or nose job surgery has become the most common cosmetic facial plastic procedure as reported by the American Academy of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. There has been a surge in male rhinoplasty and close…

Teen Rhinoplasty

Summer is a common time for many teenagers to pursue rhinoplasty or nose job surgery. The summer allows for the time to recuperate after surgery and is also a transition period for many patients at this stage in their life. Many patients find the time between high school and college as a perfect time to have their nose surgery before going away and starting another chapter in their lives.
