Many of my Houston eyelid surgery patients are concerned about their saggy skin over their upper eyelids. What some of them do not realize is that a large component of this eyelid hooding is due to brow ptosis or the brows having fallen over the years leading to that heavy tired appearance to the eyes.
Some of these patients may benefit form a brow lift or forehead lift. There are many different types of brow lifts but the most common kind today is the endoscopic brow lift where small incisions are made in the hair bearing scalp and dissection is performed to release the brows and resuspend the entire forehead along with the brows to anchors in the bone. Some patients will not need upper eyelid surgery after their brow lift. Others, may require both the brow lift and the upper eyelid surgery.
Dr. Funk performs brow lifts and upper eyelid surgery in Houston.
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