Rhinoplasty Recovery Tips

Recovery after rhinoplasty or a nose job typically takes 7-10 days. However, there are certain things that can help expedite your recovery after rhinoplasty. Every patient is different and depending on your age, skin thickness, medical issues, and degree of work needed on the nose, recovery…

Will I have packing after rhinoplasty?

Nasal packing after rhinoplasty, nose surgery, or sinus surgery is a method employed by some surgeons to help prevent a nose bleed after surgery.

After rhinoplasty, I rarely if every use any nasal packing. I would say that in about 5% of my rhinoplasty patients, there is significant…

Facelift in a Jar?

Many of my prospective facelift patients ask me about over the counter or prescription topical products that can provide lift or tighten sagging jowls, lax neck skin, or improve the bands in their neck. Unfortunately, these types of products do not exist. I do believe that these products and…

Is Septoplasty done with Nose Job or Nose Surgery?

Septoplasty is a procedure to straighten a deviated septum during nose surgery. Most nasal septums are deviated to a certain degree. The severity of the deviated septum will determine the amount of nasal obstruction (other factors may contribute such as nasal turbinates and the nasal valve).…

Revision Rhinoplasty - Ear cartilage or rib cartilage

Revision rhinoplasty is one of the more difficult types of surgeries in plastic surgery. There is significant scar tissue under the skin envelope of the nose between the skin and cartilage/bone. This makes healing more unpredictable compared to primary or first-time rhinoplasty…

How much younger will I look after a facelift?

his is a common question posed by many of my facelift patients. When performing facial rejuvenation surgery, I am not trying to turn back time (Cher reference unintended), but simply wanting to provide a more refreshed and rejuvenated result. I expect friends and family to say, “You look…

Nose surgery for septal perforation

A septal perforation can cause crusting, nose bleeds, and even whistling. I believe that repairing a septal perforation is technically, the most difficult type of nose surgery. A rhinoplasty approach is typically used when repairing a septal perforation. The mucosa, or skin lining of the…

Will my bones be broken during rhinoplasty?

During rhinoplasty, nose surgery, or a nose job, the nasal bones may need to be fractured to narrow the nose or to “close the roof”. When a nasal hump is taken down, the bridge of the nose may resemble the top of an air-craft carrier. It will be flat with sharp edges. Frequently, the…

What is a Mini-Facelift or Short Scar Facelift?

A Short Scar Facelift or Mini-Facelift is a procedure which is used mainly to provide improvement for those patients with mild to moderate jowling and an ill-defined jawline but whose neck does not need significant improvement.

This type of facelift is typically reserved for…

Rhinoplasty to repair the nasal valve

Nasal valve collapse can cause significant nasal airway obstruction. The nasal valve is the area of the highest resistance to nasal airflow. Obstruction through the valve region can occur due to trauma, simple genetics, or a deviated septum.

Rhinoplasty, with septoplasty, can assist…