How do you straighten a crooked nose?

Many of my Houston rhinoplasty patients present with a crooked nose or may not even be aware that they have a crooked nose. Rhinoplasty for a crooked nose requires the surgeon to perform many maneuvers in order to straighten the nose. Using strong straight cartilage grafts from the septum…

Will a facelift improve acne scars?

Many of my Houston facelift patients may have had acne as a teenager or adult and are curious if a facelift will help their acne scars. While facial wrinkles will be improved with a facelift, acne scars will not improve significantly with a facelift. The best treatment for acne scarring is…

Eyelid surgery and glaucoma

Many of my patients inquire if they can have eyelid surgery with a history of glaucoma. Upper eyelid surgery and lower eyelid surgery are safe despite having glaucoma.


Any patient with a history of ophthalmologic disease should discuss their interest in cosmetic eyelid surgery with their ophthalmologist. However, they are still a candidate for lower…

Is rhinoplasty outpatient surgery?

Many of my Houston rhinoplasty patients want to know where the procedure is performed, what type of anesthesia is administered and if the procedure is an outpatient one where they go home afterwards.
Rhinoplasty is almost always an outpatient procedure performed under general anesthesia. Patients may go home after a short period in the recovery room. 

Will my cheeks get fuller and elevated with a facelift?

When discussing facelift surgery with my Houston patients, some of my patients are interested to know if their cheeks will be pulled up with a facelift. This depends on the type of facelift performed. A SMAS facelift will typically not elevate the cheeks but simply tighten the jowls and jawline and maybe the neck a little.