When discussing facelift surgery with my Houston patients, recovery and getting back to normal social life is a common question. Most patients can start feeling social between 2-3 weeks after surgery. You can expect to look normal 2-3 weeks after a facelift. However, there may still be some irregularities where the deep plane facelift or SMAS was elevated and resuspended. These can be covered with makeup at the 2-3 week mark and will eventually smooth out and settle but may take 6-8 weeks to do so. The scars from the facelift at the hairline will still remain slightly red at the 3-6 week mark but will continue to settle and become a fine white line by 4-6 months. Facelift surgery is an involved process and to get the optimal results, patients must have patience regarding the healing process.
Dr. Funk performs facelift surgery in Houston.
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