Dr. Funk is a top rhinoplasty surgeon in Houston, Texas.  

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Liquid rhinoplasty or surgery?

The last 5 years, many of my Houston rhinoplasty patients have been interested in liquid rhinoplasty or filler to the nose.   Many are unsure if they should have liquid rhinoplasty or actual surgical rhinoplasty.  I like to explain it this way:  

- Liquid rhinoplasty is usually performed to camoflauge a nasal hump by injecting above and below the hump.  Sometimes we can inject into the tip to create rotation of the tip or slight refinement and bring the tip out.  Occasionally we can inject along one side of a crooked nose to give the appearance of a straighter nose.  

-Liquid rhinoplasty will NOT make your nose smaller.

-You can still have surgical rhinoplasty after liquid rhinoplasty, but sometimes the filler will need to be dissolved prior to surgery

-Liquid rhinoplasty is temporary and will need to be repeated every 6-12 months.

-Liquid rhinoplasty will not correct any breathing or functional issues you may have like a deviated septum.


Dr. Funk is a top rhinoplasty surgeon in Houston, Texas.  

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