Dr. Funk performs brow lift and upper eyelid surgery in Houston Texas.  

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Brow lift or upper eyelid surgery?

Many of my Houston upper eyelid surgery patients who believe they may need upper eyelid surgery or blepharoplasty for hooding or heavy eyes, may actually need a brow lift.  Evaluating these patients properly will determine the most beneficial surgery for each patient.  The female brow should sit slightly over the superior orbital bony rim and peak higher laterally than medially.  Careful consideration of heavy frown lines, forehead lines, and frown muscles must be taken into account as these will not improve with upper eyelid surgery but can improve significantly with a brow lift creating a less heavy and angry appearance.  Some patients may require both a brow lift and upper eyelid surgery for significant crepe upper eyelid skin.  


Dr. Funk performs brow lift and upper eyelid surgery in Houston Texas.  

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