Will a facelift raise my cheeks or help my smile lines?

Many of my Houston facelift patients have an aging midface and deep smile lines with droopy cheeks.  A frequent question is whether their smile lines will improve with a facelift and what will happen to their midface.  

Each type of facelift accomplishes different things.  A deep plane facelift will release the zygomaticofacial ligament in addition to the lower…

Can I still have a defined nasal tip with thick nasal skin?

Many of my Houston ethnic rhinoplasty patients present with thick nasal tip skin and want a smaller more refined nasal tip.  African American rhinoplasty or Asian rhinoplasty patients will frequently have thicker nasal tip skin.  There are ways to create a more refined tip such…

Will my rhinoplasty look natural?

Many of my Houston rhinoplasty patients are concerned about assuring they have a natural result after their rhinoplasty.  When I ask my rhinoplasty patients at 6 weeks postop what people are saying about their nose, they most often say, "Nobody notices!".   That is the key to having a succesful rhinoplasty.  Even though it sits in the center of the face, the nose should…