Will a facelift give me fuller cheeks?

Many of my Houston facelift patients who are desiring improvment in their smile lines and flat cheeks are asking if a facelift will help these areas.  This depends on the type of facelift.  A deep plane facelift where the SMAS is elevated and the zygomatic ligament in the cheek is released, allows the SMAS to be lifted high suspending the cheek to its more youthful position.…

Does rhinoplasty change your voice?

Many of my Houston rhinoplasty patients will ask if rhinoplasty will change their voice.  This is especially true for any of my professional singers.  Rhinoplasty or nasal surgery such as septoplasty for a deviated septum will NOT change your voice.  However, sinus surgery, where the opening to the sinuses is made larger, may change the resonance of your voice.  It…

Revision rhinoplasty for a saddle nose

Some of my Houston revision rhinoplasty patients may present with a saddle nose or collapse of the bridge of the nose.  In these cases, there may have been overresection of a nasal hump or collapse of the cartilage due to poor support after rhinoplasty.  Repairing a saddle nose usually requires grafting with rib cartilage to rebuild the bridge of the nose.  



Scars after upper eyelid surgery

Many of my Houston upper eyelid surgery patients who are interested in addressing their upper eyelid hooding are concerned about where the scar will be placed.  The scar for upper blepharoplasty hides in the upper eyelid crease and will slightly extend laterally into a small crow's feet wrinkle to address any lateral hooding.  The scar can easily be camoflauged…