Thread lift vs facelift

Many of my Houston facelift patients have asked about the possibility of thread lifts instead of a facelift.

 Thread lifts began to gain popularity in the mid 2000's and at first were performed with permanent barbed suture…

Will rhinoplasty scar go away?

Many of my Houston rhinoplasty patients are concerned about the appearance of the scar with an external rhinoplasty.  Those Houston ethnic rhinoplasty patients who are considering reducing nostril size or narrowing the nostrils are also concerned about the scar in this area.  

The open rhinoplasty scar is placed between the two nostrils in the columella and usually…

Male eyelid surgery

Many of my male eyelid surgery patients in Houston complain of hooding of the upper eyeilds or excess upper eyelid skin.  Upper blepharoplasty or upper eyelid surgery can remove this excess skin to create a refreshed, rejuvenated and more open eyed appearance.  Lower eyelid surgery for lower eyelid bags is also a common complaint from male patients.  Lower blepharoplasty…