Do I need a Browlift or Upper Blepharoplasty?

Many of my Houston blepharoplasty patients come in desiring a change in their hooded eyelid appearance with a tired look.  Upper eyelid surgery can help with the crepe upper eyelid skin and upper eyelid hooding.  However, the eyebrows must be examined to assure the patient does not have brow ptosis or low seated eyebrows.  This may require a browlift in order to…

Time off after a facelift

An important question for many of our Houston facelift patients is how long will they need time off after their facelift or necklift.  This will depend on the type of surgery performed and your healing.  Deep plane facelifts with platysmaplasty of the neck may require 2-3 weeks until you are feeling social or ready to return to work.  A mini facelift may take…

Rhinoplasty for a wide nose

Many of our Houston rhinoplasty patients main concern with their nose will be the width.  This could be a wide bridge due to wide nasal bones.  Other patients may be concerned about a bulbous broad tip due to wide or redundant nasal tip cartilge.  Lastly, other patients may be concerned about wide or flared nostrils.

Treating wide nasal bones requires osteotomies…

What is extended blepharoplasty?

Some of my lower eyelid surgery Houston patients will present not only with the classic bags under the eyes, but also with festoons or malar bags.  It is important to correctly diagnose these patients as the treatment for these patients is different than those simply with lower eyelid bags due to fat pseudoherniation.  

Festoons are excess skin below the eyelid fat and can usually be seen…

What makes a Rhinoplasty expert?

Many of my Houston rhinoplasty patients will ask if rhinoplasty is our number one procedure at Funk Facial Plastic Surgery.  With experience comes expertise.  Dr. Funk performs around 300 rhinoplasty procedures each year and it is the procedure he performs most often.  This will include revision rhinoplasty, ethnic rhinoplasty and primary rhinoplasty.  Dr. Funk has…