When is a base reduction for wide nostrils performed in rhinoplasty?

Many of my Houston rhinoplasty patients will ask if they will need to have their nostrils brought in during rhinoplasty.  This is called an alar base reduction or alar flare reduction.  With ethnic rhinoplasty, this is quite common in order to create narrower, smaller nostrils.  In some patients who have overprojected nasal tips, bring down the nasal tip will widen…

Will the fat come back after lower blepharoplasty

Many of my Houston lower eyelid surgery patients will ask if the fat that causes the lower eyelid bags will return after lower blepharoplasty.  When performed properly, lower eyelid surgery to treat lower eyelid bags will remove just enough fat to create a more rested refreshed appearance without hollowing out the eyes.  This fat will not return to create bags…

Drains after a Facelift

Many of our Houston Facelift patients will ask if they will need to maintain a drain after a facelift.  While placing a drain after a facelift is based on surgeon preference, Dr. Funk will let patients know that they may have a drain depending on a number of factors.  If the a neck lift is necessary where the skin of the neck is elevated to tighten the muscles of the neck,…

Why is a crooked nose more difficult to fix with revision rhinoplasty?

Many of our Houston revision rhinoplasty patients will present with a crooked nose that they want straightened.  Revision rhinoplasty is a difficult operation given the scar tissue that lies under the skin and surrounds the cartilage.  This scar tissue truly envelops the cartilage making it stiffer, less malleable, and more difficult to reshape.  The cartilage…

Preservation rhinoplasty versus Open rhinoplasty

Many of my Houston rhinoplasty patients are beginning to ask about preservation rhinoplasty as an option for their nose surgery.  The concept behind preservation rhinoplasty for a dorsal hump is to fracture the nasal bones surrounding the hump and push the hump down as opposed to traditional open or closed rhinoplasty where the dorsal hump is resected.  The issue with…