Many of my Houston facelift patients who have been on Ozempic have lost significant fat in their face as well. These patients may not only have volume loss but will also begin to develop significant laxity in their skin. This will be amplified in older patients who have lost elasticity to their skin over time. However, even in younger patients, it seems these semiglutides are leading to decreased elasticity in patients' skin. It turns out that these medications will also turn off adipose stem cells in the skin which are responsible for production of collagen and elastin which allow for our skin to remain firm and elastic and snap back into place. Skin in these patients may be more like a worn out rubber band or pair of gym shorts with worn out elastic waistband. Patients may require resuspension of tissues with a facelift or neck lift earlier than others who have not been on these medicaitons.
Dr. Funk is a top facial plastic surgeon in Houston Texas.
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