Will I need a steroid injection after rhinoplasty?

Many of our Houston rhinoplasty patients will ask during their postop visits if they need a steroid injection.  After rhinoplasty, scar tissue is deposited between the skin and the cartilage as the nose heals.  Ideally, the skin should adhere back to the new bony-cartilaginous framework that was reshaped during rhinoplasty.  However, if an undesirable amount of scar tissue develops after surgery, a steroid injection may be desirable starting at the one month mark postoperatively to break up some of this scar tissue and prevent future deposition of scar tissue.  Steroid injections after rhinoplasty are not uncommon in patients with thick nasal skin as these patients may generate more scar tissue.


Dr. Funk is a top rhinoplasty surgeon in Houston Texas. 

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