How old for lower eyelid surgery??

Many of our Houston lower eyelid surgery patients are actually in their mid 20's!  Lower eyelid bags or dark circles under the eyes may be due to age related changes that allow the lower eyelid fat to push against a weakend connnective tissue barrier called the orbital septum creating fullness or "bags" under the eyes.  This fat can create a shadow below it especially when a light is projected from above.  

However, some of our lower blepharoplasty patients will explain they had these bags under their eyes as long as they can remember  - even as a child.  With these patients, the connective tissue wall did not weaken over time but they always had excess fat or a weakened wall.  These patients are also great candidates for lower blepharoplasty.


Dr. Funk performs blepharoplasty in Houston Texas.

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