Is Revision Rhinoplasty Free?

Revision rhinoplasty is a complex operation where the results are much less predictable than primary rhinoplasty. There is significant scar tissue from the previous operation and the cartilage is much more difficult to shape and manipulate as it may be quite fragile, surrounded by scar tissue, or nonexistent.

Patients coming in for revision rhinoplasty after having their previous surgery…

Is Eyelid Surgery Covered by Insurance?

Many of my older patients come in with significant excess skin over their eyes in their upper eyelids. They feel like their eyes are heavy and want to know if eyelid surgery is covered by insurance or medicare. The answer here is that it depends. If you have excess eyelid skin that…

My nose looks bigger after rhinoplasty

One of the known facts regarding rhinoplasty or nose job surgery is that the nose will swell significantly after surgery, which can temporarily make the nose look bigger after rhinoplasty.

During rhinoplasty or nose reshaping surgery, the cartilage and bony framework of the nose are reshaped and then the skin is laid back down over this new framework. Unlike eyelid…

Should I use cadaver rib for revision rhinoplasty?

Revision rhinoplasty is a complex surgery that frequently requires additional cartilage for grafting purposes. If septal cartilage has already been utilized from the original rhinoplasty surgery to correct a deviated septum there may be insufficient cartilage for grafts during revision rhinoplasty.

Other options for additional cartilage are ear and rib cartilage. Ear cartilage is a weaker…

Rhinoplasty for a bulbous tip

Many people who are seeking rhinoplasty are interested in addressing their bulbous tip or boxy nasal tip. The open rhinoplasty approach is the best way to refine the tip and create a more triangular appearance as opposed to a rhomboid shaped tip.

The open rhinoplasty…

What is a non-surgical nose job?

Rhinoplasty or a nose job is typically a nose surgery performed to reshape the appearance of the nose. With the rise of fillers such as Restylane, Juvederm, and Radiesse, more physicians have been trying to shape the nose with these fillers. This is what we describe as a non-surgical nose job.


How soon can I have revision rhinoplasty?

Many patients seeking revision rhinoplasty are told they need to wait to allow the wound healing process to be completed or for swelling to go down after their initial rhinoplasty surgery. The answer as to when can revision rhinoplasty be performed after the initial surgery…

Is revision rhinoplasty more expensive

Revision rhinoplasty is inherently a more difficult procedure than primary rhinoplasty. There is significant scar tissue in the nose between the nasal skin and the cartilage. The cartilage has been manipulated and surrounded by scar tissue from the previous rhinoplasty making…

Should I Get Nose Surgery?

Whether you have a nasal hump, a wide nose, or a crooked nose, your dissatisifaction with your nose may wax and wane throughout your life. However, if you are unhappy with the appearance of your nose, you may at some point consider rhinoplasty. Rhinoplasty, or changing the shape of the nose,…

Crooked nose after rhinoplasty

One of the most common complaints after rhinoplasty that I receive from my revision rhinoplasty patients is that they still have a crooked nose or their nose is now crooked after rhinoplasty. Fixing a crooked nose with revision rhinoplasty can be quite difficult.…