Rhinoplasty for Out of Houston Patients

Many of rhinoplasty patients come from outside of Houston from places such as The Woodlands, Corpus Christi, and Harlingen. They come to Houston to seek rhinoplasty as they may not feel that they can identify the expertise needed for rhinoplasty surgery in these locations. One of the common questions I get from 

Are my nostrils flared or too wide?

Many of my Houston patients coming in for rhinoplasty consultation or ethnic rhinoplasty consultation are concerned about their wide nostrils or what they typically describe as flared nostrils. The terminology here can be confusing. Wide nostrils or ala are basically ala that…

Ethnic rhinoplasty and nostril size

During ethnic rhinoplasty, the nostril size is frequently reduced. There are a few important aspects of the nostrils that should be discussed in regards to ethnic rhinoplasty. The width of the nostrils can be brought in with small triangular excision of skin at the sill or floor…

Will rhinoplasty change my lips?

Some of my Houston Texas rhinoplasty patients express concern about changes to their upper lip with rhinoplasty. They are concerned that if their nasal tip is rotated, they may have a larger gap between their nose and upper lip. This is not true. Their will not be a larger gap after rhinoplasty,…

Is eyelid surgery covered by Medicare?

Many older patients who have sagging upper eyelids or heavy eyelids wonder if eyelid surgery is covered by Medicare. Although you may feel you have some trouble with peripheral vision, this has to be proven by an ophthlamologist documenting peripheral visual fields loss and approved…

Scars after rhinoplasty

Many of my Houston rhinoplasty patients are ethnic rhinoplasty patients and have darker pigmented skin and are concerned about the appearance of scars after rhinoplasty. The majority of rhinoplasty that I perform is an open approach rhinoplasty which will leave a small scar in between the…

Does Revision Rhinoplasty Take Longer to Heal?

Many of my Houston revision rhinoplasty patients desiring to revise a botched nose job think it requires a small adjustment or nip/tuck. Most revision rhinoplasty surgeries require much more than that and the surgery is much more complicated.

Every time someone…

Laser Eyelid Surgery

Eyelid surger or blepharoplasty can be performed in numerous types of fashions. Laser eyelid surgery or laser blepharoplasty is a method of eyelid surgery or eyelid lift where a laser is used to make the incision as opposed to a scalpel. Proponents of laser blepharoplasty claim that…

Will rhinoplasty help sleep apnea

Many of my Houston rhinoplasty patients have issues with breathing through their nose and are heavy mouth breathers at night. They may claim to have snoring issues and their partner may state that they gasp for air or stop breathing. These patients may have sleep apnea. While rhinoplasty truly means changing the shape of the nose, septoplasty or fixing a deviated septum and turbinate reduction for…

Under Eye Bags Surgery

Many Houston patients complain of under eye bags, dark circles, or a tired appearance to their eyes in my office. Under eye bags are due to protruding fat that surrounds our eyeball normally to protect it from trauma and grease the muscles around our eyes. Sometimes, we simply need to remove this fat during blepharoplasty and some excess skin. Other times, we may need to remove some fat and mobilize…