Steroid injection after rhinoplasty

Some of my Houston rhinoplasty patients receive a steroid injection into the nose anywhere between the 1 month to 6 month mark after surgery. Patients with thicker skin or fullness in the area just superior to the tip of the nose may benefit from this injection. After rhinoplasty, the tip…

Scars and Eyelid Surgery

Many of my Houston eyelid surgery patients inquire about the scars left after eyelid surgery or blepharoplasty. Upper eyelid surgery requires excision of excess eyelid skin and the scar is typically left in the crease of the upper eyelid. A small portion of the scar will extend into…

Rhinoplasty with eyelid surgery?

Many of my Houston rhinoplasty patients inquire about upper eyelid surgery or lower eyelid surgery at the same time of their nose job surgery. Rhinoplasty can be performed at the same time as eyelid surgery. Bruising after rhinoplasty typically occurs around the eyes and therefore eyelid surgery may cause…

Can I have laser done at time of facelift?

Many of my Houston facelift patients ask about wrinkles around their mouth and eyes. Laser resurfacing around the mouth or eyes is a common procedure and can be performed at the same time or immediately postop after a facelift. Resurfacing in the area where the skin is elevated is not advised…

Revision rhinoplasty cost and same surgeon

Many of my Houston revision rhinoplasty patients question about having revision rhinoplasty with their original surgeon. Revision rhinoplasty is a very difficult surgery and requires a surgeon who has significant experience with rhinoplasty. Fortunately, my revision rate…

Rhinoplasty or Nose Filler?

Many of my Houston rhinoplasty patients inquire as to whether surgery with rhinoplasty or fillers are the best option for their nose surgery. At Funk Facial Plastic Surgery, we perform both quite often. It is important to remember that with liquid rhinoplasty or a non surgical nose job,…

Will eyelid surgery improve vision?

My Houston eyelid surgery patients frequently ask about whether upper eyelid surgery will improve their vision. This is dependent on the amount of hooding or excess skin one has on the upper eyelids. Significant hooding can lead to a peripheral visual field loss and…

Will rhinoplasty make me look younger?

Many of my Houston rhinoplasty patients have come in later in life for a nose job or rhinoplasty despite not liking the appearance of their nose all their life. There have been some studies that demonstrate that rhinoplasty can make you look younger. These studies looked at women who had…

Lower eyelid surgery approach

Should I have a transconjunctival lower eyelid blepharoplasty or a skin-muscle flap is a common question of my Houston eyelid surgery patients. These are the two options for lower eyelid surgery. Patients who have festoon or malar bags may be better candidates for a skin…

Nose Job Imaging

Many of my Houston nose job or rhinoplasty patients come in for a consultation and want to see the digital imaging or rendering of what their nose may look like. They may ask how close of a surgical result Dr. Funk might attain to the imaging result. Rhinoplasty patients need to understand that the digital…