Will rhinoplasty last forever?

Many of my Houston rhinoplasty patients question if they will need another nose surgery after their first rhinoplasty.  Unlike breast augmentation or surgery for the aging face, rhinoplasty, when performed properly, should not need to be repeated.  It's important to place grafts properly to support the tip and the nasal valves with rhinoplasty, otherwise, over time,…

Why is my tip twisted after rhinoplasty?

Many of my Houston revision rhinoplasty patients present with a twisted or assymetric nasal tip after their previous rhinoplasty.  Creating a symmetric and even tip is one of the most difficult aspects of rhinoplasty. With revision rhinoplasty, the tip cartilages can be very twisted and scarred down.  This makes these cartilages less malleable and more difficult…

Upper eyelid surgery for bulging fat

Most of my Houston upper eyelid surgery patients come in for excessive hooding or a heavy appearance to the upper eyelids.  However, in some cases, there may be excess fat in the corners of the upper eyelids close to the nose giving a bulging or full appearance to the upper eyelids.  This is common with patients over 60 years of age.  This fat can gently be…

Does a facelift help crow's feet?

Many of my Houston facelift patients will ask what can be done for their crow's feet and whether a facelift will help with crow's feet.  Facelift with or without a neck lift will help with raising the cheeks, jowling, tightening the jawline, and improving the neck.  However, the crow's feet will likely not improve much with a facelift.  Currently, the best treatment…

What causes uneven nostrils?

Many of my Houston rhinoplasty patients will have concerns regarding their uneven nostrils and seek correction for this.  Uneven nostrils may be due to a deviated septum close to the nostrils, assymetric tip cartilages, or soft tissue issues.  Correction of uneven nostrils may require a septoplasty, repositioning of the tip cartilages, or grafting.  Every case is different…

Browlift or upper eyelid surgery?

Many of my eyelid surgery and browlift Houston patients with heavy or hooded upper eyelids present for consultation wanting upper eyelid surgery.  With some of these patients, the answer may not lie in the upper eyelids alone for surgery but more with the eyebrows.  


The female eyebrow should lie above the bony superior orbital rim.  If…

Anesthesia with rhinoplasty

Some of my Houston rhinoplasty patients ask during their consult about the type of anesthesia used during rhinoplasty.  While some surgeons may attempt rhinoplasty under sedation or local anesthesia, at Funk Facial Plastic Surgery we do not recommned this. Rhinoplasty can cause some bleeding into the airway which can lead to aspiration if you are only…

Should I have my neck done with a facelift?

Many of my Houston facelift patients who are mainly concerned about their jowling, marionette lines, and sagging midface will also admit they are unhappy with their neck when asked.  Mild neck laxity and platysmal banding can be addressed with a lower facelift.  Moderate to severe neck laxity with significant platysmal banding or a heavy neck will require a neck lift…

Daxxify is the new longer lasting Botox

The newest neuromodulator for wrinkle treatment on the market to compete with Botox and Dysport is Daxxify by Revance.  Its chemical composition is similar to its predecessors and is FDA approved.  It appears that its one advantage is that it was shown to last up to 6 months in 50% of patients.  Daxxify has yet to be distributed to practitioners but Funk Facial…

Anesthesia for lower eyelid surgery

Many of my Houston lower eyelid surgery patients who are concerned about lower eyelid bags for lower blepharoplasty are interested to know the type of anesthesia used during this eyelid surgery.  While upper eyelid surgery can easily be performed under local anesthesia, lower eyelid fat is a little more sensitive.  Dr. Funk feels that lower eyelid surgery is…