Will a facelift raise my cheeks or help my smile lines?

Many of my Houston facelift patients have an aging midface and deep smile lines with droopy cheeks.  A frequent question is whether their smile lines will improve with a facelift and what will happen to their midface.  

Each type of facelift accomplishes different things.  A deep plane facelift will release the zygomaticofacial ligament in addition to the lower…

Can I still have a defined nasal tip with thick nasal skin?

Many of my Houston ethnic rhinoplasty patients present with thick nasal tip skin and want a smaller more refined nasal tip.  African American rhinoplasty or Asian rhinoplasty patients will frequently have thicker nasal tip skin.  There are ways to create a more refined tip such…

Will my rhinoplasty look natural?

Many of my Houston rhinoplasty patients are concerned about assuring they have a natural result after their rhinoplasty.  When I ask my rhinoplasty patients at 6 weeks postop what people are saying about their nose, they most often say, "Nobody notices!".   That is the key to having a succesful rhinoplasty.  Even though it sits in the center of the face, the nose should…

Should I have upper eyelid surgery with lower eyelid surgery?

Many of my Houston eyelid surgery patients who come in for lower eyelid bags may also have upper eyelid hooding or excess skin of the upper eyelid.  Some patients may not consider having both upper and lower eyelid surgery at the same time, but this is an opportunity to take care of both with the same down time.  Recovery…

Am I too young for a facelift?

Many of my Houston facelift patients ask whether they are too young to have a facelift when they start noticing jowling.  Everyone ages differently depending on ethnicity, skin thickness, facial contour, and environmental exposure.  Jowls are one of the first signs patients may start to see in their late 30's.  There are many non-surgical options to address jowls such…

Will rhinoplasty change my smile?

Many of my Houston rhinoplasty patients will ask if rhinoplasty will change their smile.  While rhinoplasty will change the shape of your nose, it should not change your smile.  However, initially, due to swelling and healing, the upper lip will feel stiff and not move up as much during the first several weeks of healing.  This will resolve and return to normal.  I…

Brow lift or upper eyelid surgery?

Many of my Houston upper eyelid surgery patients who believe they may need upper eyelid surgery or blepharoplasty for hooding or heavy eyes, may actually need a brow lift.  Evaluating these patients properly will determine the most beneficial surgery for each patient.  The female brow should sit slightly over the superior orbital bony rim and peak higher laterally…

Do I need my neck done with a facelift?

Many of my Houston facelift patients are not as concerned about their neck or do not have a neck that requires a necklift or liposuction of the neck.  Those facelift patients' main concerns may be jowling, downturned corners of the mouth, or marionette lines.  The ncek may not have significant fat, laxity, or banding of the platysma on exam.…

Liquid rhinoplasty or surgery?

The last 5 years, many of my Houston rhinoplasty patients have been interested in liquid rhinoplasty or filler to the nose.   Many are unsure if they should have liquid rhinoplasty or actual surgical rhinoplasty.  I like to explain it this way:  

- Liquid rhinoplasty is usually performed to camoflauge a nasal hump by injecting above and below the…

Will eyelid surgery change the shape of my eyes?

Many of my Houston eyelid surgery patients are concerned that eyelid surgery may change the shape of their eyes.  Eyelid surgery or blepharoplasty is meant to create softer, more refreshed, rested, and youthful eyes.  Unless it is necessary to tighten the lower eyelid or correct a ptosis of the eyelid, the shape of the eyes should not change.  Eyelid surgery is a…